Fallout 2 redding quests

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When you meet Roger Westin there’s a few ways to kill him without drawing attention to yourself. Take it to Jagged Jimmy J so he can examine it. 5) Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd & recover the stolen money. Only the ending sequence that's a bit screwed.

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Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. The main object here is the club casino 'Eldorado', owned by one of the crime bosses of New Reno - Mr. When you go to New Reno, talk to the man in the red shirt.

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Can you do every single quest in New Reno ? Carlson is old and frail but resides in a high security compound. We stop by the glamorous city of New Reno. Fallout 2 new reno quests There's a ton of xp to be earned here by working for the different mafias.